Please read to help this overwhelmed mama out!!!! Do you think this plan will change my boyfriend into helping me?


I clean the house but left his clothes where he left them, I made dinner and served myself and my son and out his away in the fridge, I put a load of MY clothes in the wash... he came home and I talked to him and told him from now on he needs to do things for himself because I am too exhausted and can’t be doing everything when he doesn’t even help our with our son. He told me I’m right and that he will change, that I will see. He said he will do everything himself and help out with our son and once I see that he’s doing it I can go back to doing things for him...I just told him we’ll see because I’ve hear that way too many times and I’m at my breaking point. He told me he promises. So I will update you guys...

I wrote on here yesterday (and a few times before that) that my boyfriend hardly helps out with our son. I am currently a stay at home mom, so I literally do EVERYTHING. Including laundry, dishes, dinner, cleaning, taking care of our son, bathing him, feeding him, putting him to bed, etc. I literally never sit or do anything for myself. I skip meals (breakfast or lunch) because while my son is eating his breakfast I put the dishes away from the dishwasher, prepare dinner, and do whatever else I can during that time. During his nap time I cook dinner and/or clean the house. I never get a break for myself. Which obviously causes me to feel overwhelmed and sometimes depressed.

It takes me to have a breakdown for my boyfriend to really understand that I’m super overwhelmed and help me. But that lasts about a day or two and then he’s right back to doing what he wants. Yes, he works hard for our family during the day. But so do I. The difference is when he comes home he does whatever he wants (including playing video games, showering, watching tv, etc.) I hardly shower because at the end of the day I’m so exhausted. I’m go go go all day long. I simply ask my boyfriend to watch our son for me or give him a bath and most of the time he says “I don’t feel like it” well you think I do?! But of course, if he doesn’t do it I’m just stuck doing it. Why is that? we made this baby together. I feel like our son is my priority always, but only his when he wants. It’s just not fair. Or if he ever does watch him he literally ignores him and just staring at the tv or phone screen. It’s so annoying!!!!

Don’t get me wrong I know my boyfriend helps more than other dads. Including my dad. He never helped my mom. But it takes A LOT and it’s usually just one thing and then he’s done. Our son is 13 months old and he has put him down to bed a total of two times. Whenever he does watch him or do something for him, I’m never relaxing, I’m cleaning or cooking, or doing something that needs to get done in the house.

This past weekend we got into an argument and he promised me he would change and help and said I was right. Just yesterday he pulled another stunt where he was extremely selfish and didn’t help me. So last night I was pissed and told him from now on he can do everything himself because if he doesn’t want to help me I don’t have time to do anything extra for him. All he had to say back to that was “you’re mean.”

So, here’s my plan...

If for a week straight (starting today) I didn’t do anything extra for him. This means I do only mine and my sons laundry, I don’t wash his clothes or his work clothes, I don’t make his lunch (although I have stopped that for a while now), I don’t serve him his food anymore at dinner time, if he comes home later I will pack it all in containers in the fridge and he can heat it up himself, i don’t make him breakfast or lunch (unless I’m making it for myself and my son) on the weekends, I don’t pick up after him (including socks on the floor, jackets/sweaters all over the house, hats all over, randomly shit everywhere, etc.) basically I will do everything I need to for my son and I, but not him. But I still won’t be a bitch and not clean the washrooms or make our bed, and not cook him dinner or anything (unless for some reason my son and I are having something different) because I don’t want my house to be a pig sty.

This is basically so that he’s either forced to do it himself or it will just be a mess and he will appreciate me more and actually start helping out with our son? If it doesn’t work should I leave him? What are your guys thoughts? Am I be over the top? Am I overreacting? The only thing is he KNOWS I’m like OCD and a mess drives me nuts so for one week I’m just going to have to try my hardest to not let it bother me I guess...

Crazy thing is I told him multiple times because I don’t work I don’t expect him to cook, clean, do laundry, etc. But I DO expect him to help out with our son and if he can’t then he need to help me with the housework. He always agrees, but it just doesn’t change. So that’s why I figured if I show him I’m serious and actually go on strike for a week it may work?