My abusive ex filed for sole custody of my babies


He never did anything with my son when we were together, never alone with him longer than an hour (always had to have a babysitter when I worked, even if he was off work). Even pushed my ONE year old around and screamed at him for something so trivial as pulling movies off a shelf to look at then or walking too slow in front of him. Couldn’t even dress him with out grabbing him really tight and yelling at him.

This morning I got a letter from his lawyers that he wants sole custody of my 20 month old and my 2 month old. And now I can’t even close my eyes without picturing a sherif at my front door there to collect my kids. I can’t even let them out of my sight and called into work today because I’m literally terrified he’s going to try and just snatch them and disappear.

I left him so my babies wouldn’t be exposed to him.

These kids are my everything. I’m anxiety ridden just at the thought of them being alone with him.