Abuse at daycare 😡


My daughter just started daycare 2 months ago so when she was about 15 months. Now keep in mind she is breastfed and up until that point we had literally never been apart. So I had visited a couple of different centers and I of course wanted to choose one I could afford but also wasn't to cheap to where I feel like she could not be getting good care. Anyways I finally chose a center after careful consideration and reading reviews. I even went into the toddler room and spoke with the teachers. The main one I spoke with assured me she had been there 13 years and my daughter would be in great care. I had explained to her how paranoid I was about leaving my baby in daycare because these days people are horrible and you hear all these horror stories on the news. She again assured me she totally gets it and that she would never do anything to harm or mistreat my baby and we even had some small talk and she ended the conversation asking could she give me a hug. She seemed to have a great energy about her so i thought I had made the right decision. So the next week I dropped my daughter off at daycare and as suspected as soon as I closed the door and was out of her sight she cried. Later that day I went to pick her up and when I got there she had a black bruise right at the corner of her eye. It was horrible and she seemed so desperate to get to me and crying. Her teacher said hi so umm yea she got really upset at lunch And refused to eat and slammed forward and hit her face in the corner of the table. I was very upset but i had no reason to expect otherwise, plus she had her molars coming in so the past week she had been acting extremely fussy so I thought yea that's likely. Ever since the first day my daughter had been crying when I would even pull up to the center and screaming hysterically when I'd leave her. It really upset me. I spent so many mornings going to my car and quickly crying before pulling myself together to go to work. Everyone kept reassuring me it was normal and she was just getting adjusted. Not to mention I also paid attention to the other children's behavior and they seemed totally fine and happy. So this past week almost 2 months into daycare my daughter stops crying when I pull up to the center and she only fusses a little when I leave and then when I pick her up she just smiles and seems happy to see me. Usually she will come running to me balling her eyes out like mommy please save me type of behavior. I should also mention I was recieving daily reports stating she was eating all of her food when in fact she wasn't eating a single thing. Every time I pick her up she nursed for about 45 minutes or so in the car before we could even leave. Anyways now that she's suddenly happier everyone is noticing, including the other teachers. I didn't make the connection with the fact that her one teacher suddenly was no longer there. I received a phone call earlier in the week from one of the people that work for the state to ensure daycares are doing what they are supposed to be doing. She asked me a series of questions such as have I had any issues with anything, does my daughter seem happy etc. of course I ask her what is the reason for calling did something happen and she says oh no it's just my job to just keep up with parents and make sure everything is running smoothly. I figured sure enough if something had gone on the daycare would notify me as well so I didn't think much of it. Well finally 4 days after my daughters teacher not being there I asked where she was and one of the newer teachers said ummm I just know when I got hired she was gone they got rid of her, the director and assistant director. So immediately I'm like did it have something to do with abuse!? And she said I think so. At this point I'm devastated and furious because absolutely no one informed me and I was handing my innocent precious baby over to this horrible woman. I start crying at this point I'm so work d up and upset so I go to talk to the woman that I'm told is filling in till they find a new director and she basically can't give me any real information other than ther was enough evidence for them to fire her immediately and apparently one of the other teachers had reported it. Also come to find out the directors were doing things they weren't supposed to be doing so they got fired. It all makes sense now why my daughter was so upset and miserable and stressed every single day and now she is fine. I feel absolutely horrible and sick to my stomach knowing that something was going on. And I will probably never really know what. It was bullshit that no one informed me or said anything about it. I'm so angry and I just don't know what to do. At this point I don't trust anyone or anywhere. I've been talking to people about it the past couple of days and been hearing horror story after horror story from their own personal experiences. From in home daycare, to daycare centers and nannies. My son was in daycare for 5 years and I never had these issues. It's to the point where I'm terrified to leave her at daycare, I'm literally paying almost 1,000 a month for my daughter to be somewhere that I don't feel safe about. My problem is I'm realizing this can and does happen anywhere. I'm just hoping that now that they got rid of her teacher the problem is gone