OVER IT!!!!!

FINALLY!!! Walked away from being used and the verbal abuse!! After 6 long years I’m so glad I could walk away with all my peace and feeling wayyyy stronger then I have ever felt before!! Lost 250pounds of dead weight, a sorry ass excuse of a little ass boy!! Dropped all of his things off at his mom and all the truth comes spilling out!! I knew in my gut he wasn’t faithful but whatever!!! Just glad I didn’t get any STDs from him!! There is nothing connecting us to were we have to communicate!! Took me a while to get here but I’m here!!!! I’m not mad or sad that we are no longer together. I’m fucking happy!! I look at all my post about how it could be over etc!! I can’t help but to think how STUPID I could be to want to settle for that!! Ladies I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!


I just want to say thank you ladies for the positive messages in the past and now!!! I never thought I would feel free again!! I never thought I would feel so whole in my life. Even tho I’ve been mental and physical out of the relationship for months, shit years really!!! Things are looking well for me!! Thank you so much