Boyfriend’s mom called me entitled, do I have the right to be pissed?

My boyfriend of 4 years and I got into a fight the other day regarding money. I’ll be graduating soon and said I wouldn’t take a job that was lowballing me on salary if I had other job offers. He took this as I would rather be unemployed than be underpayed, which is not at ALL what I meant.

He told his mom about the fight, to which she replied, “she acts that way because she grew up in a house with money and you didn’t.” I’ve never had issues with his mom, but I sure as hell do mow.

Hold the mf phone. My parents got married at 18 and struggled so badly their first few years that they didn’t have furniture in their first apartment. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a heavy equipment mechanic. When I was young, my dad worked 70+ hour weeks and only came home on the weekends, if he didn’t have to work MORE. My mom used to work nights and come home to take care of my siblings and I and barely slept.

I wasn’t handed a damn thing growing up. I bought a used car for my first car and paid it off. At school, I worked full time the past 2 years so I could pay for expenses. The only reason I don’t now is because I worked an amazing internship full-time this summer and saved so I could focus on school during my senior year.

My boyfriend has his associates and is in paramedic school right now. He will be a full time firefighter/paramedic. He grew up lower middle class, but his parents GAVE him on of their old cars, he lives at home, doesn’t pay for rent or food or bother helping out around the house.

Do I have a right to be pissed about this? I absolutely do not act entitled. You are supposed to research how much you’ll be making after you graduate so you aren’t taken advantage of. If I had ONE job offer, I’d take it and then continue applying elsewhere. My boyfriend basically admitted that he was scared I was going to mooch off him once I moved in after college, even though I’ve never mooched in my life and work extremely hard for my money.

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