Trying for 2 years

I always felt that I had endometriosis but I did not realize it until I got married. We have been trying to get pregnant naturally without the help of any doctor but last month the doctor did a laparoscopic surgery and found that I had endometriosis on my uterus gall bladder and colon. She removed all of that and my husband also went to the doctor and his morphology is a little off for the sperm but was nothing to be worried about. His testosterone hormone is very low and he is now on medication for it he is also a smoker but is taking medicine to stop that as well. I checked online that after a laparoscopic surgery that the chances of getting pregnant is higher because endometriosis is removed. My mom had endometriosis or still has it but she was able to get pregnant without any help from any doctor so I have hope for us. Has anyone gotten pregnant on here with endometriosis I am interested to know how long it took after a laparoscopic surgery?