I’m at a loss (pleases be kind)

Lesley 🌈

I don’t mean to complain, my husband is practically perfect in every way. But he’s always had a low sex drive and now that we’re trying for kids he doesn’t seem to understand that when I’m saying “it’s absolutely time to baby dance,” it’s time to bd and instead goes and mows the lawn!!! Like, seriously?!

We’ve talked and talked about it. I’ve tried to make that time seem sexier, I’ve tried to give him a heads up for when it’ll probably happen, I’ve tried spontaneity...

And he wants kids! Every time we bd he cuddles with me and excitedly goes, “do you feel pregnant? I bet you are!” And it’s sweet, except we almost always seem to bd on the lower probability days!

He seems to be psyching himself out too much and doesn’t seem to like the pressure, and he honestly just doesn’t get that there’s a system to this, so part of me thinks about telling him I’m ovulating the day before I really do, so he can have time to get out of his head...

I also just found out that I have either a septate is a Bicornuate uterus and I have an appointment with my doc this week to talk about which one and how it’ll affect pregnancies. So I’ve told my husband just the basics so as to not freak him out until we have all the information. But I’m worried that that’s getting to him too...

Like I said, we’ve talked and talked about this... we’ve both discussed our thinking process and how to make this easier for both of us... but it just doesn’t seem like he gets it! If you have any positive ideas I’d appreciate it, but please don’t be nasty towards him or me! We’re just trying to find a balance here!