Opinions please ??!!?

okay so I just got out of this long term relationship with my boyfriend for a year and almost 4 months.

It ended because this other guy kissed me and he believed it was on purpose which it wasn’t, but he let it go (at least tried) and tried to continue with our relationship. Then at the end he was going on all of these things about how I didn’t love him like I used to (which I did, it’s just i’ve been so busy with college and work, but i just didn’t know how to show it the way he wanted me to).

Then we broke up 💔😪. After 2 days, I had to talk to him and try to make up and so I did, which was hard. He kept telling me how he can’t and that it wouldn’t work. Then the next night he drunk calls me and tells me that he really loves me and wants to get back together and he can’t live without me. As we’re talking he asks if he can see me the next day, which I agree to.

So the next day (today) I met up with him and he stayed how “we should just be friends with benefits, and still see other people”. And maybe one day we can be together again, but it will take time.

Like what does that even mean??!!!

I feel as if he is just using me if he can’t get another girl, get my hopes up that one day we may end up together again, or just saying that to try and make me happy while he moves on and I stay and wait for him.

I do not like this whole “friends with benefits” because I love him soooo much and I hate the thought of him with other girls, and I just want him to be mine again.

Do you guys have any thought on this situation? I sooo sorry that it’s super long but I need help, I’m freaking out.