I dont want to bust my ass

So babydaddy/bf for some reason feels the need to compete with me at life in whatever we do. He's always talking about how he has so much on his plate mind you he works full time and his mom takes care of his kids. I work part time and am pregnant and am soley responsible for my kids. He always throws it in my face that he works more yet he is the one with more kids and more bills than i have. He compares the fact that he works all the time to my choosing to work part time for my own health. Its mentally exhausting for me to fork full time be a single mom to 2 others and 17 weeks pregnant. I refuse to bust my ass until my due date just cause he thinks what he is doing is more than what i am. I ha e nothing to prove that i am still a woman and pregnant and trying to compete with a man (my man) over who works more yet its gonna be me who sits at home and cares for his mine and our children.