Advice please

So this is my situation, I was on the Depo shot for about 6 months and I bled and it was about a week after I got the shot every time i was given it, I was perfectly fine after tho and didn’t have serious side effects. The bleeding was to a point where I was anemic and had to take like a ton of multi vitamins, so I was considering switching it. I was recommended the implant in your arm because it’s a similar hormone and because I bled for a while everytime I was given the shot but had no bad side effects they thought something that is a lot more permanent would stop the bleeding a little because it’s stretched out over 3 years instead of 3 months. But the catch is they told me I have to wait for my period to start up again before they could give me the implant: it’s been about a month and a half and I was told it could take up to 4 months. I stopped having sex since I was taken off of it because I don’t want to risk it, but I really don’t want to wait for all this time being unprotected. I asked why you needed to wait and they said they don’t want to be liable if I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage (I understand) but I literally stopped having sex a month before I stopped using the depo and I’ve tested myself and negative all the time. Does anyone know what would happen to me if I didn’t start my period but said I did and got the implant? I know I’ll probably have to wait some time because your not protected until a week or something after you got it but should I just say I did? Is there a way to tell? Is it worth it? I need answers.