Opinions on giving your children the same middle name?


We just found out that we’re having baby boy #2. Were having hard time coming up with a name. A few different people said we should name the baby’s middle name James. My husbands name is James, so I see why they’d say that. But, my sons (my husbands stepson, but he claims as his own) name is Mason James and I told them that I didn’t want to take that away from my son, that’s his name, I picked out that name for him. Now, we need another name for our second son. And they just can’t understand why I don’t want to name my second son James as well because that’s “not fair to his daddy.” I think it’s just weird honestly and it’s kinda making me and husband mad. His aunt is making it a big deal because she was really pushing it and it was her idea originally and is weirdly very offended I turned her idea down. My husband and I are in a mutual understanding and agreement. My son was a year old when we got together and 3 when he got married, he knew OUR sons name before we got married, he loved the fact that he had his name as a middle name and we never even thought of it as “unfair” to him. Honestly, I find it unfair to my son that his aunt thinks overwise. He told his aunt how he felt, and she has dropped it but she’s still pouty about it and made a few remarks like “well, I thought James would’ve sounded wonderful with Carter” and kind snootted at me at our family Halloween Party this past weekend. I ignored it because we were at a family gathering and frankly, I think her being snotty B**** is just inappropriate and I wasn’t gonna draw any attention to it. I’m not asking for advice about what to do, I’m just going to ignoring her. But, I just can’t help but wonder if it’s a common thing for people to give their kids the same middle name? I never really thought about it and I’ve never heard it done. I just don’t get why she thinks it’s so weird I’m not okay with it.