So frustrated


I just need to vent. And maybe cry for a minute. Baby boy and I just had possibly the worst feeding/middle of the night fiasco ever. I’m soaking wet from breast milk. He was soaking wet. Go to change him. He’s spitting up EVERYWHERE. Burp cloth is useless at this point bc it’s drenched. He apparently shit himself in his sleep so now there’s baby poop every where as well. The changing pad is covered in spit up. My boob hurts SO bad bc I can’t figure out latching properly. Even with a stinking nipple shield it still hurts.

I had a lactation appt today. Well, tried to, the place messed up scheduling and no one showed up. So we drove 45 mins one way to get told to go home bc one of us messed up the date and there’s nothing they can do now.

I just want to cry. I don’t want to go pump, but I feel so full. I want so bad to make breastfeeding work, but it’s like everything is against us right now.

Thanks for listening....