Help! Running out of milk...

HELP! How do I increase my milk supply?! I have an 8.5mo who is with her Papa 2x/week while I'm at work and gets 3 -5oz bottles while I'm away (and solids 3x/day). I nurse her once more before bed and from time to time in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, I am down to my last 3oz of breast milk and I'm having difficulty pumping enough to leave. Sometimes I pump and only get 1-2oz 3-4hours after she's nursed or I've pumped. At ~5.5mo pp my supply dropped and I started taking Fenugreek to help. I really don't want to use formula but I'm almost out of options. Please do not tell me about Donor Milk or wet nurses. I'm asking how I can increase MY supply (quickly) and if I'm unable, what's the best formula option? Thanks Mamas!