Planning our babies’ funeral... ideas please!


We lost our first baby just after birth about a year ago. We didn’t have a funeral. We were too overwhelmed and I was in the hospital for quite a while.

Now it looks like we will lose at least one of the twins I am pregnant with soon after birth.

We know we want to honor their lives. We are planning the funeral now because they could come at any point. And I know from experience our brains lose the ability to plan things after seeing our little one pass.

BUT I need ideas for a funeral service. Things I’ve thoughts of...

-our pastor will speak

-we can sing/ play songs we played for them in utero.

-I love the idea of a balloon release but I know it’s not so environmentally friendly... so I need a better idea for this...

-reading a storybook



Any ideas? Please only ideas that help. You might not chose to do a funeral for a newborn, but for us this is important. ❤️