From pumping 9oz to 3oz yesterday, help!


I have a now 10 day old baby who is very very lazy so she does not feed every 2 hours all the time, sometimes I have to wake her up when it’s been 4 hrs (what the dr told me to do) so I would find myself super engorged so I would pump in between feedings. Well 2 days ago I figured why not just sleep while she slept? And I only pumped once in the night. Well yesterday I woke up to my breasts just a little sore but not super engorged which is rare. I fed my baby and she seemed to be satisfied which lets me know she got what she needed but now it’s been 2 days and still no engorgement and I’m only pumping 3-4 oz from both breasts together! Keep in mind I drink 1 non alcoholic beer a day, 2 Mother’s milk tea and 2 cups of oatmeal every single day since giving birth. Not gonna lie my water intake can be higher.

Anywho. Does this mean I’m losing Milk? Would I be able to bring my supply back up? Sorry for the long post but I was looking forward to EBF for a whole year and I still want to do it. Any advice helps