Am I overreacting? Mil takes care of our son the whole night.. first time.

Angels Mommy

Ok please don’t me judgy.

My so’s bday is this Saturday and for the longest we have talk about going out drinking and what not. And tbh the only person that can handle and knows my son very well is my mom. FYI my son has autism and can be picky at times. And he’s is 3 btw.So anyways, my so call me excited telling that his mom is willing to babysit that night so we can go out. I would have been ok with it but here are my buts...

A. She has NEVER been with my son for more that 30mins let alone by herself with him. (She hardly a visits)

B. She will be having family visitors that day but INSISTS that it’s fine by her

C. We will be getting home late and the idea of taking him out at that time will be really idk if I’m overly doing it?

D. My son has a very specific way to go to sleep and not even my husband knows how to sleep him.

E. I’m 98% sure my son will not fall asleep with her and will start crying for me...

Idk ladies my husband really wants to go out and me too! But it’s just these things that are kinda bugging me. Am I over thinking or should I go with the flow????

Edit: thanks guys for all your advice. I did decide to leave him with her. I will tell her step by step his night routines and his dislikes and likes. Her company didn’t show up after all so I’m more relax that that way she will more focus on him. Hope this goes well. First time out since he’s been born 🤞🏼