Any advice?

ASA sisters,

I have absolutely noone to talk to so I hope I can get your feed back on my situation or at least i get to let it all out.

So sorry for the long rant.

I just had our 3rd baby alhamdulillah and to help my MIL is staying with us for 4 months, she lives overseas and comes visits yearly she usually stays with us 3-6 months, up until now I've been very happy with her and just absolutely loved having her here to the point that I've talked to my husband on getting a bigger house so she can stay with us permanently.

I don't know what happened this time but I am now convinced she is trying her best to annoy me, I don't know if is my hormones my little one is 5 days old today.

Prior to her coming my husband warned me he didn't want to hear ANY complains and to let her do anything she wants as he wants her to feel this is her house!! We never had any issues so I was thrown back by this, other than me not wanting her to do all the house choirs because I don't want her to think she is a maid or anything of that sort, I used to stop her from cleaning because I wanted her to relax, but I guess she complained that I don't let her do anything and she feels like a stranger coming to our house.

Well... i guess he told her this is your house and now I don't know where anything is, I mean ANYTHING!! She re arranged everything down to my UNDERWEAR drawer in MY room!! I don't know where my clothes are, I can't find my own underwear , she even re arranged where I put the trash bags, I'm beyond frustrated but I can say anything other than smile, and cry when I'm alone. She knows it bothers me because she told my husband I hope your wife doesn't get upset that I re arranged her entire room, I know she dislikes that, to which my husband replied no, I'm sure she will be very happy!. He told me this.

If I need anything I have to ask her where it is and we have a major language barrier I don't speak Arabic and she doesn't speak enlgish, so most of the time I have to look for things everywhere which is very frustrating, she comes angry and asks what I'm doing and I can't explain to her, my husband works like crazy he is out of the house 18 hours a day most of the time.

She re arranged my kids clothes and they are all mixed mind you they are 3 and 2 1 girl and 1 boy and their clothes are MIXED!!

She cooks 1 meal a day and that's for her son only (my husband)and I say is for him only because is the portion for one person, he doesn't know this, he comes home happy he's mom made food.

From day one I came back from the hospital I was beyond tired so I didn't cook for my kids thinking she would take care or it. Instead she gave them cereal for breakfast, peanut butter and jelly for lunch and cereal again for dinner, but she gives them snacks all day long.

So 2nd day from the hospital I made them breakfast and lunch only for them not to eat them because she decided it would be a great idea to give the kids cookies and chips before their meal so meal time came and they were full of all the junk they ate.

She's only been here 1 month and already turned my house upside down, because of this I no longer would like for her to move here permanently, but I don't think I have a choice now. My husband and I have a great relationship, I wait for him to come home from work, sometimes midnight sometimes 4 am, as that a the only time I can talk to him, of course he's mom wants to talk to him as well, which is absolutely fine, but she makes sure she is by the door so now I can't even talk him, he talks and talks till he can't stay up and goes straight to sleep, I haven't been able to talk to him for 3 weeks now, other than on the phone during his work hours.

As I was doing his post she just threw away some of my furniture 😭😭😭😭😭😭