How to tell my family..

Ok when I was 13 I was took from my mom and made to live with my grandparents. My gf was the choir director and my gm was the piano player. One time we were swimming and my gf tried to touch me “down there” out of anger I tried to tell my gm but all it ended up doing was making them threaten me with the welfare so I never spoke on it again. He would come in my room every night and rub on me. It got to the point I was wearing multiple layers of pants so I couldn’t feel him touching me. He even came into my room one night and jacked off. I froze I was terrified. I was on the phone with my now hubby and I can still hear him asking why I got quiet. One time I had the flu and had passed out twice that day so my gm had made me lay in the living room so she could make sure I was ok. Well she left to go get my little brother from school and while she was gone and I was insanely weak he took advantage and pulled my pants off and took a picture. It took me 10 years after it stopped (I ran away at 18 and moved in with my now hubby) to finally tell one person which is my husband. Well I think it’s finally time to tell everyone in my family just what all went on Because I’m not healing and I’m ready to. I’m embarrassed ashamed mortified and everything else so this is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I have not seen them in many years but my aunt and cousins post on fb how good of a person he is and how everyone has been praying for him and his bladder cancer I cannot stand to see it anymore. People need to know. I just don’t know how to do it. How would you guys do it? The only time I’ve ever tried to tell no one believed me. This is the first time I have ever typed anything up about it and it kinda feels good to get it out. Thank y’all!