I dont know why I'm writing this...

When I was just barely 18, I started dating this guy long distance. He moved to where I was to be with me. He raped me for the first time on Valentine's Day. He raped me numerous times. I won't go into detail about it, because honestly it's still hard to think about. He would be completely caring and loving one moment, and then hurting me the next. He not only raped me, but he would cut me. He chose this form of abuse because he knew of my past with self harm and policy being called because of it. He would hold the cuts he gave me over my head, one time he even called the police on me saying I sell harmed. He would lock me on my closet if my parents were out of town. He'd keep me in there all weekend sometimes. I had tried telling one of my best friends at the time, but my friend wouldn't believe me, accused me of lying and said that I just wanted to get him in trouble. After months of the abuse, I got to the point where I didn't care if he killed me. I finally was able to break up with him. He pinned me against the garage wall by my throat until I was able to kick him hard enough that he let go, he then grabbed my wrist and jerked me back so hard that he almost broke it. After letting him know that my dad was nearby and had guns close at hand he let me go and my friend (the one who didn't believe me) picked him up and brought him to his house. He stayed with my friend for a while, and during that time tried to molest my friend's cousin and tried to rape a mutual friend of ours. He eventually went to jail. I've been dealing with nightmares ever since. I've also been feeling a lot of guilt. Like maybe if I had reported him, he wouldn't have been able to hurt anyone else. But I figured if my best friend didn't believe me, why would the police? I think the part that hurt me and messed me up the most was my friend not believing me...