14mo old went cold turkey on bottles?


So my son last night refused his night time bottle and did so again this morning. He had 2 bottles yesterday during the day but then for bedtime wouldn’t take it.

He went cold turkey on breastfeeding too at 7 months but I didn’t think he’d do it to bottles

He’s still drinking water from his sippy cups just not having it with the bottle

Has this happened to anyone else? I’ve never heard of a baby doing this but you never know

Update: as it turns out he just went on a 3 day milk fast 🤷🏻‍♀️ a few days later he begged my husband for a “baba” and chugged 10oz. I think he had an upset stomach because his poop was a little watery. I will be transitioning to sippy cups though. Had enough with the bottles lol