🌈 3rd Time's the Charm? 🌈


I scheduled my appointment this morning. It's three weeks from today. I'll be around 7 weeks. My new OB wanted to see me at about 6 weeks, but that's Thanksgiving week and they don't have an opening.

My last two pregnancies ended at 7w2d and 6w2d. I'm currently about 3w6d. I got my first BFP at 10 dpo on a cheapy Walmart and confirmed the next morning on Clear Blue.

How am I going to get through these next 3 weeks? Advice? Words? Anything. Lol!

We had our first loss in April 2018 with my daughter not suviving her CDH diagnosis. Until then, we never had an issue getting or staying pregnant. What are the odds this baby makes it?