An open letter to all beautiful ttc women


Dear you,

It took me 8 years to get pregnant. Then I miscarried. And I felt hopeless, empty and wanting for a baby so badly.

During the next 2 years I started working out, eating right, going out with my husband and making magical future plans 🤩

Then one day I came to terms that I might never be a mom and that was ok for me. Bc life has so much to offer ✨

And then I got pregnant.

I remember when I was constantly trying and crying when I got my period and people would say “don’t worry it will happen when you least expect it” 🙄 it made me so mad.

I don’t think it comes when you least expect it. It comes when you are at peace with yourself and happy with your life. For when you do get pregnant, it’s such a blessing.

But if you never do, then you can do all the great things set out just for you and that’s ok too bc life is good! Xoxo

Sincerely, me