Seeking advice on how to transition from one child to two?


Mommas, what are your best pieces of advice on how to transition from having one child to welcoming another baby?

My daughter is 20 months old, and my husband and I are thinking of trying to have another baby. We will probably start trying in April or May, so our daughter would hypothetically be around three by the time the new baby came, if everything went according to plan. (We realize it may not, but this is what we’re aiming for.) Any advice for how to make sure our daughter still feels equally loved once new baby gets here? I remember just holding my daughter 24/7 when she was an infant. And even now, she is my whole world and we do everything together. I want to give our new baby the same attention and love, without taking attention away from the beautiful little girl we already have. How did you make the transition from one to two? Was it difficult for your older child to adjust? Jealousy or anger towards new baby from older child? Help! I want to start mentally preparing now 😂

P.s. I should also add that I am a stay at home mom, our daughter hasn’t ever gone to daycare (aside from an hour or two here and there at the gym). I plan to stay at home with the new baby as well, no daycares.