To celebrate “us”

My in-laws invited my husband and I to go out to dinner to celebrate our new baby and his new job. Well they are the worst at actually making plans. They don’t want to schedule anything in advance and expect us to just drop everything to accommodate them. They kept picking nights that they should know we have other obligations (church, marriage group, Bible study, etc.) My husband told them Saturday at lunch would work for us. Well we never heard anything from them that day, so we just went about our day. Then my MIL texted my husband all upset because we didn’t let them know anything “for sure.” My husband’s last text to her literally said, “We can do lunch on Saturday. Just let us know where and what time.”

So then they ask us to do today (Sunday) when we get out of church, except now we’re just eating at their house, not going out. We’re leaving church and we get a call that they want us to bring cups (they don’t like doing dishes, so they always use disposable stuff). We go to Walmart and run into my husband’s brother and SIL. Apparently they were asked to bring all kinds of stuff over: plates, ice, napkins, crackers, etc.

So we get over there and my FIL is screaming about everything (food not being ready, his daughter being dramatic, not knowing what’s going on with the football game, etc.) Then he goes on a sexist rant about how my husband working with a bunch of women is worse than being in a pit of vipers because at least you know when they’ll strike you 🙄🙄🙄.

So he says a quick prayer over the meal, our baby, and my husband’s new job. He asks if anyone else has something to say, and BIL and SIL’s 6-year-old foster daughter says she wants to pray for her grandpa (he’s very sick and dying), and FIL says, “This isn’t about him, you need to do that on your own time.” Ugh.

So for this lunch to “celebrate us”, they made a bunch of food that we don’t even like because it’s easy to eat in front of the tv to watch the football game 🙄. So at this beloved family event, everyone else fills their plates with hot wings, queso, and carrot sticks to go watch the football game and preceded to scream at the tv the entire time and fight about every call made. Neither my husband nor I care about watching a football game, and they all know this, but it’s what they worship. I shouldn’t have expected anything less 🙄