Opinion, im so piss?!

Im going shortened this story.

Lets say your in your mothers house.

You, aunt and Sil.

Theres one toilet paper roll left, a pretty full size one. Lets say you have the shits. Would you keep the roll in your bedroom or keep it in bathroom so everyone can use??

Here's story. Theres lots family over my mothers house. There was one toilet paper roll left. Half family were gone. It was me, my aunt and my sister inlaw.

I went in bathroom to blow my nose and when i walked out my Sil went in. I layed backdown and thought "damn i have to pee now." so i got back up and i noticed it was gone. I ask my aunt since she is on medications that make her go pee and poo lot. She had no idea where it went.

I ask my sil she said "idk"

So i did the whole pee and hopped in show situation. So the whole night there was no toilet paper, i had use napkins from MDs. obviously someone is lying. Mind you i too get random shits like my aunt becuz of My meds make me poop random and normally it's an emergency rush.

COME to find out my sil kept it in her room because she had the shits, from what my mother told me. This blows my mind. I know its just FUCKING toilet paper but wtf, who does that and lies.