

My daughter is 5 months old and has been put through the ringer in regards to her eczema. It is so heartbreaking how bad she breaks out, we are currently on 5 different ointments and are being seen by a dermatologist. Knowing how bad it is, I’ve been keeping her out of public because some of her skin is open (infection risk, etc.). This previous Saturday my MIL watched her for a few hours while I cleaned my house and ran errands. During that time frame apparently she took a pic of her out break and shared it amongst family members and close friends.... so I have a right to be mad or am I just being a super bitch???? It breaks my heart thinking of her picture being shared around for sympathy. I didn’t even realize that she did that until my husbands grandma called and asked how her skin was doing and that she received a pic from my MIL and it looks absolutely horrible. I never had a problem with my mother in law before this, but now I don’t want to be around her for fear of whatever we tell her is going to be traveling through the grapevine. Am I in the wrong here? My husband is going to talk to her and tell her that we have a problem with what she did. Just frustrated and I know a lot of it has to do with seeing my daughters skin in poor shape 😭