Debt help in alberta

Does anyone have any experience or know of any good companies that can provide me with debt help? I live in Alberta so I’m not sure if it’s different in other places.

I have about $38,000 in credit card debt, and my cards are maxed out so they are increasing. I am on maternity leave and am definitely not making enough to cover all expenses. I can’t afford my sons school fees and my bill payments have been late for the past couple months. I’m behind 2 months on my phone bill and behind 1 month on utilities. I do own my house and have fell short one month on my mortgage payment.

This has been causing a lot of stress on me, I keep getting denied loans and my bank says they can’t help so i feel like I’ve hit rock bottom. I’ve seen debt settlement and debt relief ads but they look to good to be true. Has anyone ever used one of these? Any tips and ideas or company recommendations would be greatly appreciated