I don’t know what to do

Hey, my baby is 6 weeks old and was diagnosed with trisomy 21 at birth. My baby’s dad is so so unhelpful. He comes SO late, I’m talking he finishes at 2 and comes at 6/7pm makes every excuse under the sun. He doesnt listen and when i tell him something he always has to answer back and go at it for literally 10 mins saying all this shit and keeps going on and on. I get like no emotional support from him and I felt with that diagnosis at birth alone...

I was crying the other day and all he said was “its ok stop crying I hate seeing you cry” I was in hysterics a few weeks ago then the day after he saw me so upset he asked to go stay at his mates, THEN I said “who asks that when seeing me so upset ” a week after and he said he didn’t ask to stay lol fucking liar. Acts like he knows everything my sister and I talk about to be so nosy, looks through my phone when i leave it in my room. I’ve actually told him I don’t want to be with him and he says no and ducking kisses me when I say no and touches my private when I say no, a million times!!!!!!! What else can I do?! It’s exhausting.