Naps... or lack of


My baby will NOT nap during the day. I’ve read that it takes them 20 min to fall into a deep sleep. So I’ll change her, feed her, time how long she’s been sleeping. Try to put her down, tried the swing, bassinet, pack and play. The longest she’ll stay sleeping in when I put her in my wrap and wear her around the house. Oh, I’ve tried swaddling her and not.. I play her music on her mobile, tried white noise... When I put her down she instantly screams, not just a little fuss, but screams!!! Real tears and everything. I give her the binky and rub her belly, tried to not touch her just talk or shush..

I’m at a dead end with naps.

I will say that I’m lucky at night bc she’s so tired that she’ll sleep for 5 hours at a time, usually.. knock on wood lol. But I need a little break during the day to do something for myself and do house stuff.

Also, what’s ur opinions, can u spoil a baby this young (mine is 4 weeks and 4 days) by holding them too much?

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Posted at
I do the same thing with my baby but this time ive started getting her in the swaddle while shes on me or swaddle her then rock her to sleep so shes already in it then wait to put her down and that usually works. sometimes i have to pick her up after ive set her down and rock her back to sleep which is like 5 min if that then shes back down and asleep while still in her swaddle. So maybe try that?


Posted at
Same exact situation - terrible napper, excellent night sleeper, though it takes forever to put her down. You can't spoil babies this young, and there's plenty of time for things to change, so I'm taking a wait and see approach. I keep hearing raves about taking cara babies so I might fork over the money for that if it doesn't improve on its own in the next few weeks.


Posted at
Same exact scenario here too! Zero naps but two solid 5 hour stretches overnight. I am holding him all day long too because he freaks out if I set him anywhere. It’s cute but also frustrating when I get nothing done all day!


Posted at
I could have written this myself. My little girl is the same way. She falls asleep on me and I usually wait about 20 to 30 minutes aswell to put her in her swing for a nap. But as soon as I do she's awake. Im basically holding her all day long. Not sure what to do either unfortunately. Hopefully someone has some advice cause I'm all ears!


Posted at
Our antenatal class said babies dont have the brain development yet to create bad habits...its not until 12 weeks ish they are capable of that. I feel your pain mumma, my LO is only 2 weeks old but is all over the place with his sleep. Hope it eases for you soon x


Posted at
Can’t spoil a newborn! Do you have a wrap that you could use to help free your hands?


Brittany • Nov 21, 2019
I do have a wrap no bought a cheap one to try it out before I invested almost $60 in a good one. But I’ve been using it and it hurts my back. Idk if I just dint have it in the right position. But I actually used it tonight and tied it up higher on myself, still hurt my back but not as bad as other days. I let her sleep for about an hour and finally just put her down for bed. I even got to swaddle her and she didn’t wake up!!! I’m in disbelief!!!!! She’s been sleeping for another 15 min now! I need to take advantage and close my own eyes before she does wake up lol