Let’s try this again 💪🏽


Okay, so here is my backstory...

So my hubby and I started trying for a baby beginning of November. I did not have my period for over 2 and a half months, and so I decided to take a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I thought that was odd. I had never missed my period in the last 2 years! So I would only assume for a positive. I ended up getting my period at the end of January.

We continued to try and a couple months went by and I missed my period but still got a negative. I began to get my period every other or every 2 months! I was so confused and didn’t know what to think so I decided to schedule and appointment to find out what was going on! They ended up diagnosing me with PCOS in May 2019. I got an ultrasound and they showed me that I had mini cysts in my ovaries and my uterus was tilted to the back (they said that does not affect conception). They ensured me that people still get pregnant even with PCOS and to time ovulation and just continue to try.

Speeding up to around the end of June. One day I just wanted to educate myself a bit more on PCOS and see if there is anything I can do or take to help me conceive. I changed my diet and exercise. I have always exercised 4-5 times a week and I’m continuously doing so. I changed to gluten-free, somewhat dairy-free, less processed, minimal sugar intake and eating as organically as possible. I’m not a professional and am trying my best. Even the little changes of my diet regulated my period and it’s been 3 months!

But is now November meaning it’s been a year of trying and nothing. So I scheduled another appointment to talk to my doctor about getting on clomid or metformin. So basically what he said was that for 7 months I’ve been trying with irregular periods and now that I regulated my period, I should be ovulating regular as well. So he advised me try for 2 more months while using OPK to see if we can conceive before he decides to put me on medication...so he said to

think of it as a fresh start on TTC now that I am regulated!

Wish me Luck!!!