Correct me if I'm wrong .. *kind of a long read*

Every year my boyfriend goes to see his sister on holidays and brings his parents and sister cause they do not have a car and the one they do have, they don't want to get it properly fixed so that it can drive long distance.

This year I am pregnant and will be 35 almost 36 weeks pregnant on Christmas (also our 3 year anniversary) plus our first time spending Christmas and our anniversary together and it's been a rough pregnancy with pelvic girdle pain and I don't feel comfortable traveling 2-3 hours with Braxton Hicks plus pelvic pain and rather stay where we are and celebrate Christmas this year.

I feel like he is focusing on what he always does and not how I am feeling going down there and sitting in a car for so many hours. But, I also don't want his family to be in the mix and not be able to go down there, but they can't keep depending on my boyfriend to drive them everywhere also. Should I just suck it up and ride down to see his sister and family on Christmas or should I just let him go and stay at home and see my family (which is where I live) for the whole day instead of doing both?