😴 😴 😴 😴 😴

November has been hard. Very hard.

It's taken a toll on me and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I have zero energy left for my daughter, I struggle to get through the day and I always count the hours until I have to put her to bed at night.

At the same time I cannot imagine how it'll be when she goes to daycare because I cannot imagine not being with her. It's crazy to constantly be this conflicted in feelings.

I'm so exhausted and I just had vitamin checked and it was confirmed I very much have reason to be exhausted. So hopefully that'll help a bit.

But I still have to be there for my daughter and soon she'll go to daycare and I'll go back to work and I mostly just wanna cry. Not because of guilt, but more because I can't deal with how much shit I have to do with zero energy. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted and omg I have no clue what to do anymore