Today was a GOOD day ✨🤞🏼

Caitlin • Mama to 2 sweet little girls 🎀🎀 & an angel baby 👼🏼 - PCOS - Hopeful for #3 🤍

Yesterday I had my first good follow up apt ever! Up until now I haven’t responded to my medicated rounds, but this time I finally did on 7 mg Letrozole. They saw a good response yesterday, CD 12 and told me to come back this morning for another round of bloods/sonogram. Today my lining was >8 mm and I had 2 mature follicles! One is measuring at 25 mm and the other at 29 mm. My estradiol is up to 900 today (600-ish yesterday). I trigger tonight and we go in for our first <a href="">IUI</a> tomorrow as my body is already beginning to surge on its own. I’m over the moon bc with PCOS I don’t ovulate on my own. This last year plus has not been a rewarding journey for us until today. The technician printed me this sonogram today and smiled at me. She wished me luck and said, “Now one day you can tell your baby that you knew them as just an egg.” 😭😭😭😭 I’m not very religious, but praying that all works out and we get a little Christmas miracle. ♥️✨