Shady ex husband and controlling new wife

SpicyMami • 👧🏾2k11👼2k18 🌈👶🏽3-2020 👧🏾4-21

This will be rather lengthy, grab some tea.

Cross-posted under relationships

My ex and I were together 7 years and married 5. I filed for divorce because he was a compulsive liar and was entertaining other woman. He remarried one month after filing was FINALIZED. I was happy for him. He was verbally and physically abusive. I was verbally abusive too. The last incident he shoved me into a vaccum cleaner and left me bruised. He took my then 5 year old and was cussing at me violently and drove off. Apparantly this is legal as he is her father. I was so close to filing restraining order but his grandpa begged me not to so I didnt. I have no family here, meanwhile he lives with his. I eventually filed for custody due to he and his wife trying to only let me have my kid on the weekend. I have primary custody as I have her during the school year with the exception of three weekends a month. I agreed to allow him to have her during the summer weeks and I weekends. We have had several rifts due to poor communication and I just feel like hes done so much to me and won't leave me alone. Hes professed he loves me numerous times while separated, divorced and after he was remarried. His wife doesn't know and doesn't like me. I lost my first home behind him..he wasnt paying the mortgage so It was foreclosed. I bought a car for him and he blew the engine. He filed bankrupt at the advice of new wife and I had to also or his debt would've been transferred to me. I have a foreclosure, bankruptcy and voluntary repossession on my credit now. I gave hima heads up that I was going to file for custody through the courts and he was well prepared. He went and filed child support behind my back and I just got the letter. I'm so aggravated by this. He pays 300 a month and never on time. I originally asked for 200 a month but he Insisted on 300. I called and ask why he wouldn't give head up and he said hes just trying to pay through courts to have the payments traced. I feel like he won't ever leave me alone, like no matter what he will always find something else to come after me for. I'm a rather successful working professional and have dreams of leaving my field in the next 24 months to focus on entrepreneurship. I'm certain I make more than he does but was I asking to much? I pay for her healthcare upgrade her wardrobe often as shes growing. Her childcare is 400 a month and health care and dental 150 a month.