6 months post miscarriage - weight gain and still TTC


Hi ladies,

Really feeling helpless here. I had a missed miscarriage which ended with a D&C at 12 weeks on May 28th. My period came back about 5 weeks later. While my first cycle seemed perfect, my cycles since have been off, ovulating late and seeming to get my period early (3-5 days) but with the first 1-2 days coming on as spotting and then going away for a day and then getting my “real” period. I’m not sure what’s going on. I’m freaking out that I’ve just been having chemical pregnancies.

I’ve also gained like 4-5 pounds after my D&C even though I’ve done nothing differently eating and exercise wise. I’ve had constipation, been very exhausted, and have had muscle fatigue on and off. I got tested for hypothyroidism but my levels were within range, though my free t4 was on the lower range (.97 and lowest in range is .93).

I don’t know what to do because I’m feeling so fat and bloated and we haven’t conceived again. I just turned 41 so starting to worry. Will go in for fertility testing next cycle (had a consult week before Thanksgiving) but feeling so helpless in the meantime. Anyone else experience these symptoms and weight gain after their miscarriage? And should I just expect to go in for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> after the fertility workup? And will that make me gain even more weight? This is really starting to make me so depressed.

Thanks for any advice, thoughts, or support you can lend!
