
Hey guys,

I'm wondering if anyone in this group has/knows someone close that maybe on the spectrum. Or maybe you guys could tell me of some of this stuff is normal? I just need some advice.

My son has always been wild. He had colic as a baby and I remeber spending many nights bouncing and praying and he stop crying. He cried I always thought something was horribly wrong, it drove my anxiety through the rough. He is still pretty intense as a toddler. I think because I don't have any other toddlers to compare to, I'm not sure if this is normal..Or if maybe he is struggling a little bit.

Anytime we tell him no, he SCREAMS. For instance..

It's time to leave the gift shop.

It's time to close the fridge.

It's time to put on your jacket.

He does calm after not to long, but anytime we say we are done or no, it is a huge fight. Evverryyttimme

Everything is theatrical. He is normally held down at the doctor because he won't let anyone touch him.

He loves to do things over and over again. Like for instance he wants to listen to the same thing over and over and over again. Like, 50 times *Not kidding*

He screams when kids get anywhere near him.

He really doesn't eat a lot of food.

He is always playing with his eyes. His eye lashes really.

I know no one can tell me for certain, just kinda looking for

"My kid does these things."


"Those don't seem very normal to me"

We did have him evaluated before and a lot of things that where markers, they didn't feel like where concrete enough. He does make great eye contact. He does speak pretty well. He does enjoy playing the adults. So if he was on the spectrum I think it would be like "high functioning" *Though I know that term isn't very liked in the community I don't know any better words to use sorry*

If he is just pushing boundaries I want to help create consistency for him. So he doesn't struggle so much. But if he is on the spectrum, I don't want to scare him for life because he needs to do things a little differently than everyone else.

He got a haircut the other day, and he looked at me with the most overwhelmed face. It was like he phyically could not continue it was just to much for him. He begged me, with pain in his eyes to stop. I did, but sheesh are all toddlers like this? Is just seems so extreme?!?! First time mom stuff I guess. Kids could just be this intense i suppose.

Anyways thanks for anyone that read all that.