I had an ectopic pregnancy


So I was being seen at an OBGYN office an hour and a half away from my home because I genuinely thought they would be better at their job. I guess mainly bc the office is in a bigger city. I was 6 weeks when I went in, they only did bloodwork on me. The first blood draw my HCG level was at 1098. Two days later, 1118, another two days later it was 940. They told me my levels were consistent with a miscarriage, and that’s all that was said. I was told to wait and let my body pass the baby naturally. I told them I wanted to rule out an ectopic pregnancy, I wanted an ultrasound bc I do not want to lose a tube! I was scared of infection, all kinds of things but they gave me no guidance. They wouldn’t do an ultrasound.

I just decided to get in with another OBGYN office closer to home bc I couldn’t handle the drive any longer. Once I went in and notified them of my recent HCG levels, immediately my CNM was concerned that it may be an ectopic pregnancy bc the levels were hovering and not going down much. So I got a transvaginal ultrasound that day and an ectopic pregnancy was found in my left tube, and I had a lot of free fluid/blood in my stomach. By this time I was 7 weeks. No pain, no heavy bleeding. I was shortly scheduled for an emergency surgery that day. (2 days ago).

Luckily they caught it early and was able to save my tube. The Dr. said she was able to literally squeeze it out like a squeezing toothpaste out of the tube 😳

I was so scared! It was traumatizing. I can still smell all of the smells and it still makes me sick to my stomach even though I’m home and not at the hospital.

But, I am so grateful that they caught it early and that I am okay!! I’m still grieving and healing, as this was my first pregnancy. I’m astounded by my intuition. I am disappointed (to say the very least) with my first CNM who did not see the signs. I wish they would have taken better care of me...

I’d love to hear your experience about your ectopic pregnancy as well, especially if you had a healthy pregnancy afterwards.