Positive induction story! Probably longer than I expected

Esther • I’m better than horrible. EMT and Respiratory Therapist

So my baby is about to turn a year old and I thought I would rewrite my birth story to maybe encourage some expecting mommies out there. (That and also because when I first posted I was set on fire because I wrote about how I felt sorry for my son since he was born on Christmas and apparently I wasn't grateful that he was born healthy 😵)

My birth story starts in November of last year. I had been having abdominal cramps all day, but I have a dairy and egg allergy and my husband and I had gone out the night before so u figured I just ate something with my one of my allergies. I took it easy all day but then around 4:00 I noticed I was urinating blood. I called my OB, but since it was a Friday and they were about to close she said to come to L&D to get checked. (She didn't want to have me sit with a UTI all weekend.) So I went and they took a urine sample and I was hooked to the monitor while waiting for the confirmation that I had a UTI. While waiting the nurse said "are you cramping?" And I said yes and explained the whole food allergies and then she said "no your contracting! And pretty consistently."

Apparently my UTI had sent me into labor! (That's what I was told anyways.) What was going to be a relatively short trip turned into a 6 hour visit as they gave me all kinds of drugs to stop labor and also steroids on case they didn't work. Luckily the meds did work and I was sent home with a 7 day prescription to keep taking the meds. I was only about 32 weeks so this was good.

Fast forward to about 4-5 weeks later, I'm MISERABLE. I'm nauseated all the time and I'm having Braxton Hicks so bad that I can't speak through them. I went to L&D several times because I thought it was real and they said it wasn't. I just felt like I had the flu all the time The weird thing is is my ankles and calves get insanely itchy. Like, I have to pull over to scratch because I couldn't take it. Then it starts to move to my back. I never said anything to my doctor because who tells their OB that they are itchy? After it's gets so bad that I'm crying and having mental breakdowns I mention at this next appointment. (I cannot describe how horrible this itching was.) It's December 21st (Friday) and my OB informs me this could be a sign of a liver problem and it's very serious. She puts me on a room for a stress test immediately. Baby is looking fine and she draws the blood for the test to confirm. She says that the test takes a long time especially with the Holiday, maybe 7 days! She says to come in if anything changes and also wants to do another stress test on Monday (the 24) at the hospital to be safe. She says to pack a bag because if it's sketchy in getting induced. Second stress test is also good. I should mention that during all this sickness and itching I'm 90% effaced and 3.5cm dilated and someone won't budge. Also whenever I get examined the person doing it always says "wow your babies head is so low!" Like thanks Sherlock it doesn't feel like I'm sitting on his head or anything.

Then I wake up on Christmas Day. My husband and I don't need to be anywhere until late afternoon so we decided to try to induce ourselves if you know what I mean. 😉

After we were done we noticed blood all over the sheets. I didn't know what I bloody show would look like so that didn't even go through my head. My husband wants to go to the hospital and I'm like "nah, I'm sick of going and getting sent home. The bleeding will probably stop." Well he convinces me and I'm glad he did! Remember how I said my babies head is low at this point? Well the bottom half of my membranes ruptured, but the membranes above his head didn't! I also never had a single contraction on my own so if I stayed home it could've been a very bad outcome because I would've lost half my sac and not gone into labor. Between this and my blood pressure being "through the roof" (didn't see how high it was myself) I was admitted. They tried to get my contractions going on my own, but after 3 hours of no luck, high BP, and the concern that I could have this liver issue, they induced me.

And boy let me tell you it was like getting hit with bricks. The nurse came in every 30 minutes to you my dosage and this is how it went.

First time upping the Picton: not feeling anything

Second time:. I think I'm feeling something

Third time: holy shit is it too early for the epidural?!!

The funny thing is my son was almost born in the tub. My nurse advised me that it was probably way too early and I could stall my labor so I sent my husband to fill the tub. The student doc was willing to check me and I was at 5cm so I was good to go! Husband came out and I was like "no tub, drugs!" To took about 20 minutes to get and in that time frame I went from a 5 to an 8! Gah!

My epidural didn't help a ton for me. After the next few contractions weren't any better they gave me a push button. That did help, but I don't know how much. This was my first birth so I don't have anything to compare to. The nurse at the end did comment how tough I was doing it without much help so I think they knew it wasn't working. Also I was able to walk almost right away which I hear doesn't happen with an epidural. But hey, I was happy for a little help.

After two hours of pushing he was here! We didn't find out the gender so it was so magical when they held him up and said "it's a boy!" It was so amazing and so was the relief that came when he was finally out. His head was the worse. I was convinced I tore UP and not down but I didn't.

All and all this was super successful induction especially with how fast it was! And I would rather take fast and sketch epidural than poor women who lobor for days on end. I don't know how you do it! So if you're worried about induction just know that from what I was told it all depends on your cervix and how much you're already dilated.

Also, I mentioned all that back story because I have suspicions...

I wonder if I was so sick because my baby was trying to come, but the drugs I took the month before messed with me? Probably not, but I can't help but think he was ready to come out if how low he was and how I was 3.5cm. I'm probably just crazy 🤷🏻‍♀️

The second this is is I wonder if I had the liver issues (it's called cholestasis.) After I gave birth, the itching stopped right away, but in the hospital shortly after I gave birth they said I tested negative. I thought it was weird that they had the test back already when it had only been 3 days and they said it could take 7-10 days. But I guess they have no reason to lie about it 🤷🏻‍♀️

Erik Ragnarsson was born 12/25/18 at 7:17pm and weighed 7lbs. 7oz. I was 39 weeks (Due Jan 3rd.)