Finally so here is some back story I was told at 31 weeks that she only weight 3lbs 3oz and I had to...

Cierra • Jada Inez born on 12/19/19
Finally so here is some back story I was told at 31 weeks that she only weight 3lbs 3oz and I had to visit a high risk doctor. So I did and around 35 weeks I switched doctors because I needed a second opinion on her weight gain and when I tell you it was the best thing for me too do it was the best thing for me too do only because I got dehydrated twice and my previous doctor didn’t know and she didn’t even tell me she switched hospitals and I didn’t wanna drive to the other one that was 35-40 minutes away from my house. And plus her and the high risk doctor wanted to induce me around 36-37 weeks and keep her in the NICU and I wasn’t having that. So with the next doctor we got her weight up and I went to full term she was born at 40weeks+2days so 12/19/19 at 9:55 via c section. I had to be induced and breaking my water wasn’t that bad we done that around 7:30 mind you I had been here since 5:30(had to wait on the doctor) I was dilated to about 2-3 around 8:40 and let me tell you I took those contractions like a champ but I wasn’t dilating so I got an epidural around 4:30 and that wasn’t that bad either but baby girl didn’t like it at all she started going crazy on the monitors so we tried to change positions and see if that helped it didn’t. So I then got change rooms and we checked my cervix and it was at a 5 but I wasn’t dilating anymore than that so they told me I needed an emergency c section because her heart rate was dropping. I was put to sleep because when the Anesthesiologist kept poking me to see if I could feel it I did so they prepped me and put me to sleep and my boyfriend was allowed to be in there with me because my doctor didn’t have a problem with it. So around 10:30 I woke up back in my room with my boyfriend holding our beautiful baby girl. 
Jada Inez Griffin 
6lbs 1oz 
I can’t remember how long she was