My delivery story đź’™ *long post*

Cay • Josiah Kai 12•16 👶🏻🌏💙

Monday morning at 11 I went to my doctor appointment (I was 38 weeks 5 days). My OB told me I was now 3cm dilated, and that I had options. I could either wait til after Christmas to see him again, and to see if labor would happen naturally (at that point I’d be over due) or we could schedule for me to be induced by this current weekend. So that’s what we did. We scheduled Friday the 20th at 7 am to be induced. Later Monday afternoon, I went home. I was in my grandmas room just hanging out with her. I noticed it felt like I peed myself a little so I went to check. I went to lay back down to nap for a bit after that. When I woke up, I noticed that same “peeing myself” feeling so I went and sat on the toilet. I noticed parts of my mucus plug coming out, and all this liquid just gushing out of me. Next thing I knew, my water broke and I was nearing into labor. My contractions started right away, and were 2-3 mins apart. So at this point we headed to the hospital. Once I got to the hospital around 6 that night, I was at triage in Labor & Delivery, and I was in fact in active labor and already 5cm dilated. The nurse took me to the delivery room, set me up with IV and shortly after I had got the epidural because those contractions were INTENSE! Hours later, around 9 pm, I was 9cm dilated. I tried relaxing and taking a nap but my body couldn’t stop shaking, I was so nervous and anxious to meet my son. Around 11:40 the nurse checked me again and I was at 10cm with my son already crowning. About 10 minutes of pushing, my sweet baby boy was born. He was not waiting til Friday to meet his mama!

December 16th, 11:54 pm at 7lbs, 3ozs and 18inches long my perfect baby boy, Josiah Kai Vasquez made his grand arrival.

I was truly blessed with such a quick and easy labor and delivery (plus no tears).

I’m loving every minute of this new mommy life with my tiny human.

He’s the best Christmas present ever 💙👶🏻🌏