Child’s first ear infection tips/help

We went to urgent care yesterday because my daughter (7months) has had a fever on and off since Thursday and a bad cold. She was wheezing so that’s why we went. Turns out she has an ear infection. They gave her a steroid liquid to help with her breathing and amoxicillin for the ear infection.

I am just anxious about all the side effects. Wondering if we should try something natural instead? Or do I give it to her and try to give her yogurt to help keep good bacteria in her? She really has not taken to solids yet and we have never tried yogurt. I don’t even know what kind to give her. We are breastfeeding so I am worried about thrush too. I read some ppl give probiotic but we tried that before and she would have explosive poops multiple times a day. I Just don’t know what’s best. Thanks for any advice.

*** update: I am giving her the antibiotic just looking for suggestions on if I should give her yogurt or something to try and counter so she doesn’t end up with yeast infection or something. I’m a ftm and just a worrywort. 😔