Super sad

My boyfriend purposed to me two days ago and this morning I woke up and him and the ring were gone with no explanation no warning sighns he was going to leave or 14 weeks pregnant with his kid I got a hold of him and he says he wants to do joint custody but I don’t want him having joint custody he has bad anger issues and already doesn’t have custody of another kid because of it(I know I’m a fucking idiot for getting pregnant with his kid) and I’m scared he will get joint custody because he actually wants the kid just doesn’t want to be with me I guess he’s always been so mean to me and he says I control him because I want him to get more than a job that he only works 15 hours a week at since we have a baby on the way.I ALSO BOUGHT HIM A CAR A COUPLE DAYS AGO there goes so much of my money down the fucking drain because I know he won’t pay it back.he says he will use my depression and my anxiety against me and tell the court I’m a unfit mother because of it when I know it’s not so bad that I couldn’t be a good scared of parenting with him terrified of it and I’m just scared overall to do this alone I don’t have any friends I have little family..