Creepy encounter

Hi all,

I’m looking for advice with a situation that occurred today:

My toddler and I went to visit my mother at her job for lunch today. She works in a hospital so we ate lunch in the hospital cafeteria. Right as we sat down this man came over and offered my daughter an orange because he said she was so beautiful and her eyes caught his attention. We accepted the orange and thanked him. He stated that he was a doctor. A few minutes later he returned and took a seat to eat at the table behind us. He proceeded to mention that my daughter was so pretty and her eyes were so amazing. My mom commented that she has my eyes, the man then asked me to turn around to see my eyes. I did, but at this point I started to feel like there were red flags. He continued to say she was so cute what’s her name, and then he said, “she’s so cute I’m itching to buy her something, can I buy her a muffin please from the cafeteria?” I said okay, as he walked away I was like I’m not letting her eat that. I watched as he chose and purchased the muffins so I know they weren’t tampered with. He brought two muffins to my daughter and told her to choose, he said she can have both if she wanted. She chose one and then he asked her for a kiss on the cheek and she gave him one. Then he asked for her birthday and she told him. He sat back down and asked me what I do for a living and is she my only child? Then he told me I look so young, I said thanks that’s a nice compliment. He also stated that he has a bag of candy in his car he would go and get if she wanted. Upon leaving he asked for my name and again I gave him my name and he asked for my moms name and what the first letter of her name is. He asked what department she worked in. Then he repeated my daughters birthday and said, I won’t forget that. So creepy!!

Bottomline: I walked away feeling like we had given too much information and angry at myself for not trusting my instincts and standing up for my child. I feel like he has enough information to put that info into the hospital database and find out more information about us. My daughter was born in that hospital so it wouldn’t take much to find out more on his end.

Would you feel the same as I do now? What would you do now?