Anybody else going through a sleep regression?


I write this after 2 glasses deep of my favorite white wine. My 2 year old has really been throwing me for a loop this past week. I'm going to say in part it's because of the excitement of the holidays, presents, and the disturbance of our flow of typical daily life. But my goodness he has been struggling. It all started out with not wanting to nap. He would refuse, run out of his room and cry and scream until we were both so worked up no sleep was in sight. Then came bedtime, same thing but worse! Screaming, running out of his room (sound machine on, night light, door open. Hallway light on), complete refusal of sleep. I had to lay next to him for almost 2 hrs before he fell asleep. Now my son has been an ABSOLUTE angel of a sleeper since hes been 9mo. We say good night, kiss him and leave. Hes good until 8am the next morning, so all of this is extremely out of character.

Im able to enjoy my evening tonight with my husband because I finally accepted no napping, compromised with an hour of quiet time in his room and my sweet boy fell asleep within 10 min tonight. I'm so grateful.

Dont think hes truly over napping but id take that over the night time hell we have been dealing with. Anybody have anything similar going on? Nap/bedtime strike? Any helpful hints? We.also tried a sticker chart and he was not amused! Positive reinforcement fail.

Thanks mamas!