5,000units of hcg trigger shot

When did you test out? I am currently 1-dpiui 12dpt


I was using easy at home and on 6dpiui it was super super faint, would expect it to be out by 7dpiui/8dpiui(9-10dpt)


It was Christmas so I didn’t test I was out of town. Came home last night and tested this morning with a easy at home (bfn), and Walmart cheapie with same urine (had a line in time frame vvvfl with color). Decided to buy a couple frer and of course tested tonight before bed since I had held my urine for 5 hours and there is definitely a line within time frame but also vvvfl like squinter can’t even really catch it on camera.


So I’m not sure if maybe these are from the trigger, even though easy at home is still negative. Or if they are my real positive.


So when did you test out your trigger?

. Really hard to see it on the frer, but you can see it in person better.

The one below is during time frame(the one in the picture above is after a couple hours)

Same test/picture as above just tweaked to show you could see color in time frame.