Collecting Colostrum


Ok so breastfeeding mamas 🗣🗣🗣

Did any of you collect and freeze syringes of your colostrum in the last weeks before birth??

With my oldest (age 6), I didn’t express any before giving birth and being 19 and her being my first child, it was all a learning experience anyways.

However, with my second (age 3) I became the nursing, pumping, milk stash building master! 🙌🏼👌🏼🤣🤣 from the herbal supps, to the healthy diet, all of it LOL and I plan to do it with our third due in January if I’m blessed enough/able!

This is the first pregnancy I’ve noticeably produced and been able to hand express colostrum and I’ve been getting enough in a day (hand expressing between 2-4 ML 2-3x’s a day and getting a full 10 ML syringe) to freeze for birth.

Any other Mommas been able to do this? How many syringes were you able to fill in what time period before giving birth??