Getting 1-year-old to sleep!! HELP



My son will be 1 on Jan 1st and has yet to sleep a full night. He’s up on average 2-3 times a night, sometimes 4-5, and it can at times take an hour or more to get him back to sleep. He will not go to sleep for my SO no matter how hard we try...but as soon as he sees me he calms down. I’ve tried sleep training, but literally the first 3 minutes into it he makes himself vomit so we just give up right away for obvious reasons. I’ve tried this so many times, but it’s always the same result. I’m breastfeeding, but recently decided I need to start weaning because I’m absolutely exhausted since he uses me as a human pacifier. Nursing is the only way to get him into a deep enough sleep to be able to put him into his crib. I can get him to sleep by rocking but he wakes up as soon as I put him down. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve been up 2 hours, it’s 4 a.m., I’m desperate. Please help 😭

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You can try gentle sleep training which does not involve cry it out. At this point he is using nursing for comfort, which is then a sleep crutch. Making it harder for him to soothe himself to go to sleep.


Ja • Dec 30, 2019
Thanks! I just started reading about gentle sleep training so that’ll be my next step.


Posted at
I’d find a sleep training program that works for you. Honestly, I did work as a nanny for a family where their 3 year old would vomit over anything and everything. I finally convinced the parents to do play therapy. It really helped. Sometimes kids “have your number” and know that you’ll react to vomiting and that it can stop it. Now I’m not saying to ignore the vomiting, but first I’d contact your pediatrician and talk about your concerns. Then look into play therapy. Then gentle sleep training. Cover all aspects. I wish you the best of luck!!


Ja • Dec 30, 2019
Thanks! I haven’t heard of play therapy but I’ll be looking into it for sure.