Popping/clicking noise


FTM and I will be exactly 27 wks tomorrow. Last night I was laying on my right side 1/2 asleep and all of a sudden I heard a pop/click sound which scared the 💩 out of me. Only one time and the baby has been moving like crazy before and after (stretching up near my ribs and sides) and after still moving and kicking. I’m not bleeding and my water did not break. I immediately looked it up and a few causes that it could have been were: 1- the baby’s joints cracking while stretching or making noises with their mouthed, 2- my ligaments, or 3- my amniotic fluid. Has this happened to anyone before? Since waking up I’ve started having (what I believe to be) round ligament pains. Cramping in my abdomen (left side) and groin area. Is anyone else dealing with round ligament pain also?