To give your kid a sibling or not? Please comment why



So we have a toddler and I've always dreamed of having 2 kids but I also second guess myself. Will I be taking away from my 1st born? Will they hate having a sibling? Or is it good for them to have someone else? Opinions please?

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Posted at
You should have a second child if YOU want a second child and you feel it will be a good fit for your family.Absolutley do not have another one just for the sake of "giving your child a sibling". Most siblings dont really like each other all that much and even if they do, they are always different people with different interests and run in different circles. Very rare to get that "sitcom sibling situation" to do it to give ur child a "buddy" isn't a good idea.Best of luck in whatever u do


Ki • Jan 1, 2020
We all have different experiences. Let's remember that and be respectful.


Megan • Dec 31, 2019
Agreed, my step kiddos fight worse than any kids I have ever seen. They’re definitely not “buddies” the majority of the time.


M • Dec 31, 2019
My siblings and I are close now but we fought a LOT as kids. We had really different temperaments and just didn’t mesh well. We’re friends as adults but there were definitely 16 years of rocky relationships. My parents has three kids because they wanted to, but if they’d asked my sister if she wanted two siblings she would have said NO. As a kid she always said the worst day of her life was when my older brother came home from


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I do recommend it if you really WANT another child. I know quite a few people who were an only child and hated not having a sibling. I couldn’t imagine my life without my siblings. Having another child does not divide your love, it multiplies it.


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I’m an only child and personally I hated it. I didn’t like being alone and only having myself or my parents to play with. Plus I know I have some issues when it comes to conflict resolution because I never needed to face it when I was younger. My husband is also an only child (half siblings who he isn’t close to) and he feels the same way as I do. We are also both stubborn and it took a lot of work for us to both learn to compromise


Posted at
I am an only and loved it. I did have some step siblings, that I saw every weekend. I grew up hating my step sister and have a lot of issues because of it. My kiddo is an only so far and is doing great, but we also engage her in activities so she is around other kids.


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Never have a child for your already existing child... have children if you want more children.


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Personally I love being an only child. I never found it to be lonely but my mom always made sure I had activities to do with other kids so im sure that helped. But I would do whats best for you and youre family.


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My daughter was spoiled since the minute she implanted (I did IVF so I knew when she implanted) we adore her and we love her soooo much and she is extremely high maintenance so I was concerned when we decided to give her a sibling but it has been the best thing in the world my daughter absolutely loves her little brother and she always wants to help and wants the whole family to be together it was hard the first two months (getting used to being a family of 4 and healing from a csection) but after that it’s been amazing


Posted at
We will be having at least one more because I personally want my son to have a sibling. My SO grew up an only child and he said it was very lonley, but that doesn't mean your child wont have a good child hood if he is the only child. It's completely okay if you don't want another baby


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You won’t be taking anything away from your first born but I do remember feeling worried about that. My son was 4 when his little brother came along and they loved having each other to play with x


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Better to have 2 if you can afford it financially and with your health. I’d not want all that adult responsibility thrown on one kid. But that’s just me. And we’re waiting another year and a half before we consider another kid.