Will sick toddler change/adapt BM to help newborn?


My almost 2 year old is sick. It’s in the beginning stages so it seems like it’s a cold with cough.

I know I’ve seen and been told that while you’re breastfeeding, your body changes your breast milk if your child is sick to give them antibodies etc. I’m not breast feeding my daughter (the toddler) but wonder if her being sick would change my breast milk to help my newborn not get sick?

I strictly pumped with my daughter so this is my first time with straight breastfeeding/nursing. I know when my daughter was sick while I was still pumping, I was told to kiss her, snuggle her and it would change my breast milk to help her. So my thought process is, if I do that now with her- will it change it to protect my newborn?

I’m also super worried that my 7 week old child is going to get sick so any advise on how to keep him healthy with a sick toddler would be appreciated! I’m keeping them separated, washing everyone’s hands regularly, using disinfectant on everything and hand sanitizer in between hand washes.